Belarus' National Bank to continue monetary targeting policy in 2021

16:03, 11 November

Belarus' National Bank will continue the monetary targeting policy in 2021, Dmitry Murin, the head of the National Bank's General Directorate of Monetary Policy and Economic Analysis, said at a briefing for the press following the board meeting on monetary policy, BelTA has learned.

"As for the transition to the inflation targeting policy, we believe that it is too early to switch to it. First of all, not all conditions have been created yet for this. For example, necessary changes have not been introduced to the legislation," said Dmitry Murin.

"This is why we plan to continue the current policy of monetary targeting next year," he informed.

It is too early to talk about the possibility of easing the monetary policy next year, Dmitry Murin noted. This is due to the persisting uncertainty as to how the situation will develop in the world as a whole and how this will affect the dynamics of Belarus' economic development.

"So, we might continue with the tactics that we used this year and in previous years. We will revise the situation at every board meeting and make appropriate decisions," Dmitry Murin said.

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