Belarus names plans for cooperation with Russia's Volgograd Oblast

15:37, 28 March

Photo: BelTA 

Belarusian Prime Minister Roman Golovchenko named the planned areas of cooperation after a working meeting with Volgograd Oblast Governor Andrei Bocharov in Volgograd on 28 March, BelTA has learned.

According to him, one of the cooperation areas is to renew the transport passenger fleet in Volgograd. “Volgograd uses Belarusian trolleybuses. There is a great interest in the implementation of joint projects on the modernization of the streetcar system, including the pooling of competences of specialists from the two countries,” Roman Golovchenko said.

On the agenda were also issues of urban planning and road facilities. “Volgograd Oblast is interested in attracting competences of Belarusian designers and suppliers of construction materials to make urban environment more convenient and comfortable. The mutual trade in construction materials exceeds $100 million, despite the geographical distance,” the prime minister said.

The Belarusian head of government and the governor of Volgograd Oblast had a substantive conversation about the transport and logistics potential of the Russian region and the participation of Belarus in the development of this important competitive advantage. “The region is located at the crossroads of many trade routes and in the heart of the North-South transport corridor,” said Roman Golovchenko.

Volgograd companies, in particular Volma, are implementing a number of investment projects in Belarus. There are plans to implement new projects.

The parties also discussed cooperation in such areas as agriculture and machine tool construction. “Tasks have been set before the relevant government agencies and companies. We will closely monitor the implementation of the agreements,” the prime minister said.

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