Mezentsev keeps under control the issue of improving communication services in the Union State
14:27, 5 March

State Secretary of the Union State Dmitry Mezentsev addressed the new Minister of Communications and Informatisation of Belarus Kirill Zalessky, appointed by the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko on 3 March, as well as the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation Maksut Shadaev with a request for information on the practice of introducing comfortable tariffs for the use of communication and data transfer services in the territory of the Union State from 1 March 2025, in order to implement the decisions of the Supreme State Council and the Council of Ministers of the Union State.
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‘The prompt appeal to the relevant ministries seems justified - taking into account the position of citizens of Russia and Belarus, who have used the new tariffication regime for calls and data transmission, introduced from 1 March 2025 by mobile operators of our countries,’ commented the State Secretary of the Union State.
He drew the attention of the ministries to the need to inform citizens more widely about the new conditions of tariffication of telephone calls and mobile Internet on the territory of the Union State.
‘The issue of improving communication services has not been removed from the control, it will also be included in the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the High Level Group of the Council of Ministers of the Union State,’ Dmitry Mezentsev announced.