Tax maneuver consequences identified as main problem in Belarus-Russia relations

18:52, 8 July

Consequences of changes in the taxation of the Russian oil industry (aka the tax maneuver) have become the main problem in Belarus-Russia relations. State Secretary of the Union State of Belarus and Russia Grigory Rapota made the statement during an online lecture on topical aspects of development of the Union State, BelTA has learned.

Grigory Rapota said: “Last year Russia introduced the tax maneuver, which had an effect on all energy resources. Naturally the Belarusian side suffered losses and wondered why Russia had to pass this legislation. They may not be described as losses but in any case plans to replenish revenues of the Belarusian budget were doomed to fail then.”

According to the state secretary, in response the Russian side stipulated a condition: Russia will think about the problem but in return the two countries would have to decide what kind of union they were building after all. “Working groups were set up to work on the 31st roadmap, which is supposed to answer this question,” the official noted. “There is no final answer to that question yet while pricing practices are still open to debate.”

“It is probably the main problem that has emerged in Belarusian-Russian relations and may be having an effect on political relations in some way as well,” Grigory Rapota stated.

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