Belarus, Russia in negotiations on mutually acceptable resolution of natural gas trade issues

11:13, 9 June

Belarusian Energy Minister Viktor Karankevich and Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak discussed topical aspects of cooperation in the sphere of natural gas on 9 June, Press Secretary of the Belarusian Energy Ministry Olga Kozlovich told BelTA.

The negotiations were held as a videoconference. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Vladimir Semashko also took part in the negotiations as well as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus, Deputy Head of the Management Committee Administration – Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Committee of PAO Gazprom Aleksandr Meshkov.

The sides exchanged opinions about whether the terms of payment for the Russian natural gas Belarus gets had been fulfilled. The position of the Belarusian side remains unchanged: in order to resolve the dispute between commercial entities regarding the price for natural gas depending on its calorific heat value OAO Gazprom Transgaz Belarus has to present a method to determine the actual monthly calorific value of natural gas and a metrological confirmation of its acceptability in accordance with the Belarusian legislation.

In addition, the sides talked about Russian gas deliveries in 2020. So far this year prices for Russian natural gas sold to Europe continue falling, including prices set by spot contracts and long-term contracts. This is why the Belarusian side once again mentioned it is necessary to revise the price for the Russian natural gas Belarus pays in order to determine its correct and fair level, the press service noted.

The Belarusian side expressed interest in promptly resolving the outlined issues and finding mutually acceptable solutions for the sake of future cooperation with Russia in matters of natural gas.

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