‘Wheel of Courage’, clowns and acrobats. Belgostsirk artists talked about their numbers in the programme ‘Planet Circus’

13:00, 31 January

Photo: soyuz.by

Today the Belarusian State Circus presented a new programme ‘Planet Circus’. Voltigeurs, jugglers, tightrope walkers, trained bears, dogs and cats, clowns and many others will perform on the arena.

‘The new programme is about the planet ‘Circus’. Many people consider us, circus artists, to be aliens, aliens from another planet. And this is really true, because the circus is a special world, a special reality. And today in our programme we want to show it so that the audience could visit it. They saw all of us, all these aliens who live here, inhabit, and a little peek behind the scenes’, - shared Natalia Mayhrovskaya, a clown artist, a representative of the fourth generation of the Mayhrovsky dynasty.

In the programme ‘Planet Circus’ the artist performs in the clown duet ‘policeman and trespasser’.

‘The offender, due to her clumsiness, constantly gets into some ridiculous situations, and the policeman comes running at that moment and sees when everything has already happened. In these scenes we show how we get out of such situations, how we get out of it. Our duet is quite young, and, what is very unusual, we still have animals working with us,’ said the clowness. Together with the duo, dogs and geese also take part in the numbers.

The head of the number ‘Wheel of Courage’ Andrei Pogorelov said that on stage will surprise the audience with new tricks.

‘I was already in Minsk a couple of years ago for the summer programme. I remember that the audience really liked my number, but this time I brought three very strong tricks. The audience will be able to see it in the final number,’ the artiste shared. - I started to rehearse these techniques just two years ago in Minsk Circus. Then I did only the first two, which, in principle, were already performed in the world. And the third trick I did a year ago, when I moved to another place. I am the first in the world who did it in a wheel. And that's why I hope that this stunt will conquer all the spectators’.

Ilya Tyufyaev, the director of ‘Original Acrobats on a Russian Stick’ and ‘Voltige’, presents to the audience a unique show where acrobats perform complicated tricks on a ‘Russian stick’.

‘The attributes that appear in the title of the number include lego-athletic poles for high jumping. ‘The Russian stick consists of three poles wound together in a special way. The stick is 5 metres long, 10 centimetres high and 10 centimetres wide. Acrobats have to land on this narrow surface, which makes the number particularly difficult and dangerous,’ the artist said.

Ilya Tyufyaev emphasised that the acrobats should be fully synchronised to avoid injuries due to the asymmetrical load. The Belarusian ballet also takes part in this show, which makes it especially bright and colourful.

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