Mezentsev on the Belarusian opposition: their self-interest is higher than the interest of their country
14:35, 6 September

Photo: archive
Secretary of State Dmitry Mezentsev said in an interview with TASS on the margins of the Eastern Economic Forum that the Belarusian opposition leaders hiding abroad put their interests above the interests of their country.
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“A person who wants to do good for his country, who wants to improve the political and social system, cannot do it decently, morally, successfully hiding abroad. A true oppositionist must do it in his own country, perhaps by running for deputies at various levels, by passing draft laws and decisions through the parliamentary rostrum. And if such figures choose to flee their homeland, it means that their own self-interest is higher than the interest of their country” the State Secretary of the Union State commented.
Dmitry Mezentsev noted that the attention to the leaders of the Belarusian opposition in the West is another confirmation of the anti-Belarusian and anti-Russian policy.
“But it can't affect the will of citizens at elections at any level in Belarus” concluded the State Secretary of the SU.