Mezentsev presented the books of the ‘Libraries of the Union State’
15:10, 12 March

Today, State Secretary of the Union State Dmitry Mezentsev, within the framework of the XXXII Minsk International Book Fair, presented new volumes of the large-scale historical and educational project ‘Library of the Union State’ dedicated to amazing people, national enlighteners and significant events. At the book forum in Minsk the books are exhibited at a separate stand of the Standing Committee of the Union State.
BACKGROUND: On 12 March, the XXXII Minsk International Book Fair was solemnly opened at the BelExpo exhibition complex, where more than 500 exhibitors from 21 countries were presented.
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Among the presented editions of the library are such as: ‘Simeon Polotsky. Fighter and enlightener’, ’Ivan Fyodorov and Francis Skorina. Opening a new world...’, ’Mikhail Lomonosov. Investigating everywhere with all hours...’, ’Dmitry Mendeleev and Kazimir Semyonovich. Ahead of their time...’, ’Space. The Dream of Mankind...’, as well as earlier editions: “Defending the Fatherland: On the feats of the Brest, Vitebsk, Minsk, Mogilev and Polotsk Infantry Regiments in the Patriotic War of 1812”, “Fascism's crimes against the peoples of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 have no statute of limitations...”, ’Operation Bagration. Partisans of the Belarusian land...’.
‘On 26 January this year it will be exactly 25 years since the Union Treaty began to be in full force and effect. Both the books that are presented here today and the books that are in our plans, they are dedicated to the glorious annals of Russian and Belarusian history, to the glorious sons of the Belarusian and Russian people, to those who made our fatherland stronger, more courageous, braver, so that our history of many centuries would be obvious to our friends and foes by success, the time of difficult but driven by the impulse of patriotic, the impulse of deeds,’ the Secretary of State stressed.
According to him, the ‘Library of the Union State’ currently has eight copies and five more are planned for release this year.
‘When we talk about these books, we delve into the pages, photos, we delve into the archival materials that are cited. It is important to emphasise that the first book, the presentation of which was attended by Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Medinsky, was presented during the days of the 210th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino. Special days for the Fatherland - a time of turning point, choices, decisions, doubts and faith in victory. This idea to dedicate the book to the Belarusian regiments: Minsk, Mogilev, Polotsk, Grodno, which fought for victory within the united imperial army, belonged to Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov and Vladimir Vladimirovich Makey, who left us, - said Dmitry Mezentsev. - And I would like to make a special mention of several of them: the tremendous work of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Belarus, personally Andrei Ivanovich Shved, who once again presented to the current generations of young people the feat, the depth of struggle, courage and confrontation with the German invaders on the Belarusian land’.
Among the books included in the Union Library, the Secretary of State emphasised the publication that tells about the role of partisans and underground fighters in the success of Operation Bagration. ‘We are incredibly grateful to the archivists of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Justice, the Institute of History, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, without whose participation we could not have presented this book. The following books are in front of you, live and in the announcement on this stand. We are grateful to everyone who helps. And we, I emphasise once again, want each of these books to be an event of public life, to be an occasion for discussion by the youth audience, at enterprises, colleges, universities, high schools, and maybe even middle schools. We want each book to emphasise our unity, alliance and joint plans for today and tomorrow,’ concluded Dmitry Mezentsev.
In addition, on the margins of the exhibition-fair the State Secretary of the Union State was awarded a diploma of the finalist in the nomination ‘Book of the Year’ for the preparation and publication of the book ‘There is no statute of limitations... The crime of fascism against the peoples of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945’, as well as a special diploma of the jury of the competition for the preparation and publication of a unique historical documentary study ‘Operation Bagration. Partisans of the Belarusian Land’.