Belarus floats government bonds on Russian market

12:24, 7 April

Photo: BelTA

Belarusian has floated government bonds to the tune of RUB10 million on the Russian market, BelTA learned from the Belarusian Finance Ministry.

The number of bonds floated in the Russian Federation is 10 million, the nominal value of each bond is RUB1,000.

The redemption date is the 1,092nd day from the date the bonds were floated (i.e., 2 April 2026). The interest rate is 12.2% per annum.

As previously reported, in September 2022, the Bank of Russia decided to register the prospectus of the Belarusian non-convertible interest-bearing documentary government bonds of series 08, 09, 10, 11 and 12 and their admission to placement and public circulation in Russia. The government bonds of series 08 have been floated.

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