Belarus eager to get first part of Russian loan by year end

17:21, 2 October

Belarus intends to get the first part of the Russian loan by the end of the year, BelTA learned from Prime Minister of Belarus Roman Golovchenko on 2 October.

Roman Golovchenko said: “The loan will be granted when the intergovernmental agreement is signed. Terms are being worked on now. We stick to the plan. The goals are identified – support of the economy. I think we will get the money by the end of the year if nothing happens.”

Asked about progress in negotiations on natural gas, Roman Golovchenko noted they proceed on schedule. “The Energy Ministry is taking care of them. Once an agreement is reached, the terms will be revealed to the general public. We are intent on coming to terms by the end of the year. Everything proceeds as expected so far,” he stated.

In his words, the Russian partners show a rather constructive stance, this is why there are no reasons to expect the negotiations will be delayed.

BelTA reported earlier that Russia intends to lend $1.5 billion to Belarus. As much as $1 billion will be granted in 2020, including $500 million from the Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development and $500 million in the form of an interstate loan. As much as $500 million will be granted in 2021 as an interstate loan.

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