The opening ceremony of the XXI Sport Games of the Union State took place in Volgograd

21:30, 1 October


1 October at the memorial complex "Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd, the opening ceremony of the XXI Sport Games of the Union State for children and youth took place. The event was attended by 200 participants from Belarus and Russia. The Games are held for the 21st time and include students of cadet schools and patriotic classes. Volgograd, as a hero-city, was symbolically chosen for this event to inspire the future defenders of the Homeland to victory, reports a correspondent of

At the opening ceremony, Valery Dermanets, head of the department of physical culture events of the Department of Physical Culture and Mass Sports of the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, made a welcoming speech on behalf of the Minister of Sport and Tourism of the Russian Federation.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasises: Russia and Belarus are united by traditional friendship, common cultural and moral values. It is on these bases that we are building the Union State. The main tasks of the Sport Games are patriotic and physical education of the youth, formation of correct life guidelines for the younger generation," the greeting says.

If last year's Games were dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the defeat of German troops in the Battle of Stalingrad, this year it is timed to the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the German fascist invaders. "Thus, the Games teaches to honour and respect the history of our people," Dermanets noted.

The next stages of the competition will be held in Volzhsky in Volgograd region, as well as in Gomel and Brest.

The head of the delegation of the Republic of Belarus, representative of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism Olga Blagoveshchenskaya, who gave a welcoming speech from the head of the sports department of Belarus, said: "It is especially significant that the ceremony is held on the territory of Mamaev Kurgan, a symbol of courage, selflessness, unbending will of our people. This place is memorable for all those who honour the history of our nations and preserve the feat of the Soviet soldier. Every year the events of the Union State Sport Games attract more and more active young people, opening opportunities for the development of sports potential and establishment of new friendly ties".

During the opening ceremony, representatives of the sports delegations of the two countries laid flowers at the Eternal Flame in the Hall of Military Glory.

Already tomorrow the participants of the first stage of the competition called "Defenders of the Fatherland" will begin their starts. They will have to compete in volleyball, mini-football and all-around sports. The playgrounds for these disciplines will be provided by DOSAAF and FSEBI.

The Sport Games include four stages and are held throughout the year in several regions of Russia and Belarus.

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