Mezentsev: Belarus, Russia are masters of their own destiny

09:09, 14 June

Photo: archives of

An exposition of Minsk was presented at the Belarusian pavilion at VDNKh in Moscow on 13 June, BelTA has learned.

“It is utterly symbolic that today we are visiting Minsk, and Minsk is visiting Moscow, Russia,” noted State Secretary of the Belarus-Russia Union State Dmitry Mezentsev.

According to him, the two countries are demonstrating steady growth in trade, and the Belarusian capital is no exception. “Robust trade, a huge number of agreements signed by Minsk and Russia are the result of the system of relations built by our countries. Our friendship and mutual respect are another factor contributing to our achievements in bilateral relations. This is also our response to sanctions, to plans to stifle the economies of Russia and Belarus that the collective West is hatching, but neither Washington nor Brussels, nor new members of the European Parliament understand that the two countries shape their own future and present within the framework of the Union State,” the state secretary said.

The Belarusian capital will wrap up the marathon of Days of Belarusian Regions at the Russian Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy VDNKh. Visitors to the pavilion of the Republic of Belarus can study economic, industrial, cultural and tourist potential of Belarus’ capital city. On 13 June the Belarusian light industry concern Bellegprom ran a fashion show featuring items made by its enterprises, including merchandise of everyone’s favorite brand Pervy.

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