Belarus to take part in Russian Industrialist forum

11:18, 28 November

Photo: BelTA

The Belarusian Industry Ministry is set to take part in the 27th international forum exhibition Russian Industrialist. The event will take place at the Expoforum in St. Petersburg on 28-30 November, BelTA learned from the press service of the Industry Ministry.

The collective exposition of the Industry Ministry will unite about 15 enterprises and organizations of the country. The participants of the exhibition will also take part in the events of the business program, visit industrial enterprises. Plans are in place to sign a number of business documents, including a cooperation agreement between Institute of Belorgstankinprom and the association of machine-tool cluster PenzaStankoMash.

The Industry Ministry delegation will take part in the round table of the Russia-Belarus business forum. At the business dialogue “Russia-Belarus as the core of integration of industrial processes in the post-Soviet space” businessmen and authorities of the two countries are to discuss the issues of further adaptation and integration, including a common industrial policy.

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