Belarus, Russia discuss integration, domestic and foreign policies

11:03, 18 October

Belarusian Ambassador to Russia Aleksandr Rogozhnik met with Russian Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Dmitry Kozak on 17 October, BelTA learned from the press service of the Belarusian diplomatic mission.

The parties exchanged views on a wide range of matters of Belarusian-Russian cooperation and integration. "The parties focused on topical issues of the domestic and foreign policy agenda of the two countries," the press service said.

Aleksandr Rogozhnik and Dmitry Kozak discussed youth policy and the implementation of joint measures in this sector. In particular, the sides reviewed the results of the second extended meeting attended by heads of Russian and Belarusian youth associations, youth wings of political parties, and representatives of the Standing Committee of the Union State.

"The parties paid special attention to bilateral trade, economic cooperation and pointed out the need to achieve as soon as possible one of the key goals of the Union State – the creation of equal economic conditions for Belarusian and Russian enterprises. The sides exchanged views on the matters of united markets, common industrial policy, cooperation projects, and equal access to public procurement," the diplomatic mission emphasized.

"The parties agreed to enhance working relations between the Belarusian embassy and the Presidential Executive Office of Russia," the press service added.

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