Photofact: orthodox Belarusians celebrate Christmas

14:19, 7 January

Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas in Belarus today. Apostolic fathers describe Christmas as the beginning and the foundation for the other celebrations in their writings.

On the night of January 6-7, Orthodox believers celebrate Christmas, one of the main Christian holidays, established in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ.

This is a great holiday, a solemn day for all Orthodox Christians. It has its roots in the deep past and has its own history and traditions. According to the biblical texts, Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem in the year 5508 from the creation of the world. Christmas is preceded by a 40-day fast called Filippov. It is aimed at cleansing the souls of Christians, prayer and repentance of sins. The 40-day fast lasts until January 7th. The final day is Christmas Eve (January 6), and fasting is especially strict. And only when dusk falls, and the first star lights up in the sky – the one that announced the birth of the divine baby, the family sits down at the table to celebrate the end of the fast.

On the night of January 6-7, a festive divine service begins in Orthodox churches. The Christmas service is particularly solemn: there are always many parishioners in the church, and the rector wears a white Christmas robe.

After the service in the church, everyone congratulates each other and makes a real feast at home.

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