State Secretary of US Mezentsev told what events are planned to be held in the Union State in the year of the 80th anniversary of the Victory in World War II

10:23, 24 September

photo: BELTA

What events are planned to be held in the Union State in the year of the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War were announced during the meeting of the Council of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, which took place on September 23 in Mogilev, BELTA reports.

According to State Secretary of the Union State Dmitry Mezentsev, this plan is reasonable to include the most significant events in the cultural and humanitarian sphere, in the field of education, sports, inclusion of a number of information projects, as well as regular events of the Union State. He also expressed the opinion that representatives of the governments, public organizations of the subjects of the Russian Federation and regions of Belarus should be widely invited to work on the formation and holding of events dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Victory. “To cover educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions, universities, labor collectives as widely as possible,” he said. “To cover educational institutions, secondary specialized educational institutions, universities, labor collectives as widely as possible,” he noted. - I am convinced that we will certainly get such a response from the leadership of the federal subjects and regions of Belarus.

In such a significant historical year for Belarus and Russia, it is proposed to hold an expert-media forum dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory. “An event dedicated to the Day of Unity of Peoples, under the auspices of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory. It will be a gala concert dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War as part of the Union State days at the Slavonic Bazaar international festival in Vitebsk. This is the Union State celebrations at the national holiday “Kupalye” (“Alexandria Gathers Friends”), with the inclusion of the theme dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory, - said Dmitry Mezentsev. - We see the work on additional introduction of an exposition car dedicated to the partisan movement both in Belarus and the Russian Federation into the “Victory Train. We see the festival of the Union State “Creativity of the Young” at the Central Victory Museum on Poklonnaya Gora as particularly significant. Accordingly, a partner event at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Minsk”.

Union Olympiads for schoolchildren with the theme of the 80th anniversary of the Victory, thematic exhibitions, traveling expositions that will operate in Belarus and Russia - all this is proposed to be included in the plan of events for the next year.

As Dmitry Mezentsev noted, in 2025 the Union State budget will fully finance two landmark projects dedicated to immortalizing the memory of the Great Patriotic War. “These are major repairs, restoration, reconstruction and museumization of the structures of the Brest Fortress. And a new project - the creation of a sculptural composition “Monument to the victorious warrior” for the historical and cultural memorial complex “Northern Facet of the Kola Arc”,” he said.


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