Ambassador: Belarus, Russia are creating additional pool of joint projects

13:30, 7 October

photo: BELTA

Belarus and Russia are creating an additional pool of joint projects, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Aleksandr Rogozhnik told the media, BelTA has learned.

"The countries have signed roadmaps for microelectronics, aircraft and machine tool engineering. A total of 27 projects worth RUB105 billion have been launched. We are compiling an additional pool of projects that Russia will review to increase the loan amount to at least RUB200 billion. Currently, seven projects totaling over RUB70 billion are being considered by the Russian side. We keep working on this," the ambassador said.

He referred to Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, who said that in the last four years the parties have done more in promoting cooperation than during 30 years of independence. "We are doing our utmost to make the two states self-sufficient and independent in terms of technologies," Ambassador Aleksandr Rogozhnik emphasized.

Momentum in cooperation with Russia remains in place this year too. The trade amounted to over $34 billion,up by 8.2% in January-August of the year. Belarusian exports rose by almost 4%. Belarus had a surplus of trade with Russia in the amount of over $0.5 billion.

"In the past years the cooperation displayed even greater dynamics. This shows that we are on the right track" the ambassador stated.

He pointed out that there are no insurmountable issues on the bilateral agenda.

Speaking about his work as ambassador, Aleksandr Rogozhnik emphasized that he is focused on results. During three months in Russia, he has already visited 11 regions and met with 17 heads of regions. Each such meeting yields concrete results for Belarusian exporters. For example, contracts worth almost $500 million were signed in Yekaterinburg during the INNOPROM exhibition.

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