The President was impressed. Natalia Eismont told how the idea of the Unity Marathon emerged

20:30, 25 September

photo: BELTA

The idea of the “Unity Marathon” was born in continuation of the festival “Belarus - My Song”. This was stated by Natalia Eismont, press secretary of the President of Belarus, at a press conference in Minsk on the preparation and holding of the national social and cultural action “Marathon of Unity,” BelTA informs.

The press secretary recalled that earlier, on the initiative of the head of state, the republican festival “Belarus - My Song” was held. The idea was to provide one of the best venues - the Palace of the Republic - for regional groups to perform. It was a push and motivation for them to show themselves, to manifest themselves on the national scale. “I heard a lot of feedback about those concerts. They were the most positive reviews. There was a lot of good things about each concert. They were all original,” Natalia Eismont noted.

She said that the President also watched those concerts, which were broadcasted on the Belarus 3 TV channel. The regional groups managed to prove themselves, and the press secretary also told about Alexander Lukashenko's feedback. After watching these concerts, the President was impressed, noting individual performances, the level of these concerts, which turned out to be very high. 

“That's how the idea to gather the best of these concerts into one big creative project was born,” Natalia Eismont shared the details.

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