President Lukashenko attends Vienna Ball in Minsk

16:05, 29 December

In today’s world art plays an important role in international diplomacy, it opens up new opportunities for strengthening friendly ties between peoples and states, Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said at the Vienna Ball that took place in the Palace of Independence on 28 December.

The head of state welcomed the participants of the ball. He noted that he is particularly happy to see debutantes who opened the ball with a polonaise. “They dance like they have had a lot of practice,” the President added.

He recalled that the first National New Year Ball was held in the Palace of Independence a year ago. Thus, one of the most beautiful dance traditions was revived. This tradition is very familiar to Belarusians who have lived in the very heart of common European culture for centuries.

“In all times palaces were centers of political and social life, places where art accompanied many protocol events at the very high level. Art keeps playing an important role today, in particular in international diplomacy. It opens up new opportunities for strengthening friendly ties between peoples and entire states. Today we are holding the first Vienna Ball in the history of modern-day Belarus, paying heed to the time-tested political etiquette. I would like to emphasize that this is a continuation of the wonderful tradition that we launched last year,” Aleksandr Lukashenko said.

The head of state noted that the classic and elegant Vienna Ball in Belarus is part of the dialogue with Austrian partners.

Aleksandr Lukashenko expressed gratitude to the Austrian Embassy in Belarus and personally the head of the diplomatic mission, as well as A1 company, the Yanka Kupala National Academic Theater and its director Pavel Latushko.

The President also thanked sponsors for supporting the international public association SOS Children’s Villages in Belarus.

“I am convinced that our tradition of inviting the most talented young people to the Palace of Independence will become a good addition to classical traditions of the Vienna Ball. I think that our Austrian friends will not mind it,” the Belarusian leader said.

Invitations to take part in the ball were sent to laureates of contests, winners of international competitions and scholarship holders of special funds. “There is no doubt that you are the best of the best, but don’t put on airs. It is with great pleasure that I am looking at you now as you are standing here so young and happy with shining eyes. Girls are clad in splendid gowns and boys are wearing tailcoats and uniforms. I am very proud (and you know it) of the beauty of our nation. You embody our nation today. I know that this beauty is enhanced by intelligence, education and hard work. These are the qualities the Belarusian people are known for. This is what distinguishes us from other people,” Belarus President Aleksandr Lukashenko said as he addressed the participants of the ball.

The head of state noted that everything is in place in Belarus to discover and nurture talents. “No matter what you dream about and no matter where you go, never forget that we are Belarusians and we have only one Motherland. Keep in touch with it. Remember: Those who break away from their roots lose ground and a source of spiritual strength. Our Motherland is here. We have built and retained a sovereign state. It is you, the hope of the nation, who will shape the country’s future in the years to come,” the Belarusian leader said.

Aleksandr Lukashenko noted that aspirations of the young generation determine the future of the country. “New Year will come in a couple of days. We are looking forward to it with an open heart and confidence in the future. I am convinced that the wishes we are making now will serve the interests of our Belarus,” the head of state said.

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