Khrenin unveils location for Belarus-Russia military exercise in 2025

17:17, 22 February

Photo: Courtesy of the Defense Ministry

The exercise of the regional task force of Russia and Belarus will be held on the territory of Belarus in 2025, Belarus’ Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin told the Rossiya 24 TV channel, BelTA has learned.

According to the defense minister, the next exercise will take place on the territory of Belarus in 2025. Viktor Khrenin recalled that the decision to hold the joint military exercise on the territory of either Belarus or Russia every two years was made by the leadership of the two countries back in 2009.

The defense minister also noted that Belarus and Russia complement each other in the defense industry. “During the last meeting of the joint board of the defense ministries of Belarus and Russia, a proposal was put forward to develop a joint plan for the state weapons program,” he emphasized.

Viktor Khrenin believes that this is the next stage of Belarus-Russia cooperation in the military sphere and in the defense industry. “And I think it will only get better with time,” Viktor Khrenin remarked.  

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