Interregional cooperation contributes to economic growth of Belarus, Russia

10:10, 3 October

photo: BELTA

Interregional cooperation within the Belarus-Russia Union State accelerates the economic growth of the two countries, Minsk First Vice Mayor Nadezhda Lazarevich said at a meeting of the interparliamentary commission on interregional cooperation of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus and the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia in Minsk on 2 October, BelTA has learned.

“Today interregional cooperation within the Union State is objectively the most important area of interaction, which leads to the expansion of competitive opportunities and production potential, accelerated economic growth of regions and countries in general,” Nadezhda Lazarevich said. “We exchange experience on various issues, develop industrial cooperation, and engage in import substitution. Our countries have long established friendly relations, which are regularly confirmed by concrete actions and joint projects.”

The Belarusian-Russian relations have always been characterized by a high level of contacts and are among the priority areas of interaction, the first vice mayor stressed. The trade between Minsk and Russian regions increased up 8% in January-July 2024.

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