Opinion: Belarus, Russia should coordinate their response to global developments

10:51, 22 March

Photo: BelTA

Processes going on in the world require a prompt response and coordinated positions, primarily with Russia, Rector of the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of the Republic of Belarus Vyacheslav Danilovich told BelTA prior to his meeting with Rector of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Yakovenko. The meeting took place at the academy.

The rectors discussed cooperation prospects in personnel training. “Cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy is important and valuable for us; its best practices will certainly be useful for us. We have numerous points of contact, like holding of joint scientific events, publication of articles in Russian and Belarusian journals. The Academy of Public Administration can host joint scientific events, like conferences and round tables. It is no secret that the complicated and complex processes going on in the world prompt us to take action and develop coordinated positions, primarily with Russia, a member of the Union State,” said Vyacheslav Danilovich.

The rector of the Diplomatic Academy noted that interaction between the two countries is discussed regularly at joint meetings of the collegiums of the foreign ministries of Russia and Belarus. “We train ambassadors, permanent representatives, consuls general, we run advanced training courses for all Russian diplomats. The Academy of Public Administration does the same. Therefore, we have common ground. We plan to continue discussing interaction, cooperation and exchange of best practices. Such cooperation will help us share expertise and knowledge, skills that are important for a diplomat,” Alexander Yakovenko emphasized.

During the talks, the parties discussed academic and scientific collaborations, joint conduct of international conferences and forums, implementation of bilateral educational programs and short-term internships in public administration.

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