Large-scale trial of digital timber filing system in progress in Belarus

20:56, 6 August

Photo: BelTA

Over 80 forestry enterprises are testing a digital system for keeping records about timber, BelTA learned from Belarusian Forestry Minister Vitaly Drozhzha on 6 August.

The system has to be introduced stage by stage starting 2021 upon instructions of the head of state. “We are ahead of the schedule. A test system is being trialed now. Over 80 forestry enterprises are testing the digital system and directly interact with the developers. Things are being polished and corrected. We have a clear understanding that we will start testing the software product for compliance with the necessary security parameters in September. In January we will start using this digital timber harvesting record system,” the official said.

The software system will help make managerial decisions faster. “We will see the movement of our timber products in real time. Certainly, it will produce an economic effect. The labor productivity of the people that keep records of and sell timber will increase by an order of magnitude,” the forestry minister noted.

BelTA reported earlier that the work to develop the digital timber record keeping system began in 2017 upon instructions of the head of state. The investment fund of the Forestry Ministry financed the work. Only Belarusian specialists were involved in the development of this piece of software. All the legal persons and self-employed businessmen that deal with timber harvesting and sales are supposed to use the system.

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