‘Book Train’ with famous writers arrived in Minsk

11:30, 14 March

The unique project ‘Book Train 2025’ started on 13 March at Vitebsk railway station in St. Petersburg. The ‘Book Train’ with famous Russian writers arrived in Minsk on Friday at 09:15. On board the train, fiction writer Dmitry Emets, author of popular youth novels Asya Lavrinovich, children's writers Katya Matyushkina and Valentin Postnikov, as well as writers Valery Popov and Oleg Roy arrived in Belarus. They will take part in the Minsk International Book Fair, BELTA informs.

The guests were welcomed on the platform with bread and salt. Chairman of the Union of Writers of Belarus Aliaksandr Karliukevich noted that the participants of the ‘Book Train’ would be welcome in the republic. ‘We have been discussing this project for a long time and waiting for it. I'm sure that with the arrival of the ‘Book Train’ in Minsk, the number of readers and lovers of printed books will increase,’ he said. 

‘Book Train’ is a large-scale project connecting cities and countries. It will depart from St. Petersburg on the route ‘Minsk - Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod - Kazan - Ulyanovsk - Volgograd’. In each city the train will stop for one day, during which meetings with writers and poets will take place. 

This year the route became international for the first time, including Belarus. 

The first such event took place in 2023, when the ‘Book Train’ travelled from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. Numerous book festivals took place in 14 major cities, covering more than 500 events with a total audience of over seven million people.

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