NASA telescope took a unique shot of a star after the explosion in the form of luminious cloud

11:17, 17 February


The picture will help scientists look at the space object from a different angle, the NASA website reports.

The IXPE space telescope, which is owned by both NASA and the Italian Space Agency, has taken its first photo showing the remnants of a star that exploded several hundred years ago.
Astronomers report that the telescope photographed "Cassiopeia A", the remnant of a star that exploded in the 17th century.
The reason for the formation of a luminous cloud was that the shock waves during the explosion of the star swept the surrounding gas, heated it to high temperatures and accelerated the particles of the rays.
Cassiopeia A has been in the field of vision of astronomers for a long time, but a clear photography will help scientists look at the space object from a different angle.

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