
All time

Belarusian companies interested in executing installation and construction contracts in Russia

12:55, 20 August

Real money income of Belarusians up 5.4% in H1 2020

19:05, 17 August

Construction of connecting pipeline between Belarusian oil refineries to begin in October

17:05, 13 August

Cheaper electricity for real sector after Belarusian nuclear power plant launch

14:49, 13 August

Belarus' central bank to keep refinancing rate at 7.75%

13:30, 12 August

Belarusian Belorusneft builds four wellbores in July

19:20, 11 August

Large-scale trial of digital timber filing system in progress in Belarus

20:56, 6 August

Senators approve appointment of three members of National Bank Board

11:45, 4 August

Belarus' external state debt up 5.3% to $18bn in H1 2020

12:00, 31 July

Central bank: No imbalances in Belarus' macroeconomic policy

17:49, 30 July