Rogozhnik presents copies of credentials at Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs

14:42, 9 July

Photo courtesy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to Russia Aleksandr Rogozhnik has presented copies of credentials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, BelTA learned from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The copies of credentials were accepted by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mikhail Galuzin who warmly congratulated Aleksandr Rogozhnik on taking the diplomatic office and wished him many successes in strengthening Belarus-Russia relations.

“The Belarusian diplomatic mission and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs are expected to continue productive and friendly interaction. The parties discussed current issues of bilateral cooperation, the state of things in the Union State and coordination of foreign policies, as well as the schedule of upcoming contacts at the highest and high levels. They reaffirmed mutual commitment to keep strengthening ties across the entire spectrum of the bilateral agenda,” the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted.

According to the press service of the Belarusian embassy, the diplomats pointed to an unprecedentedly high level of Belarus-Russia interaction, emphasized the fraternal and trusting nature of such interaction and acknowledged the enormous personal contribution of the leaders of Belarus and Russia to bilateral relations.

The interlocutors confirmed their focus on coordinating efforts at international platforms and in integration formats. “Aleksandr Rogozhnik thanked the Russian side for the consistent support of Belarus in its bid to join the SCO,” the press service noted.

Aleksandr Rogozhnik and Mikhail Galuzin discussed current issues of inter-ministerial cooperation and progress to implement the agreements reached by the foreign ministers of the two countries, and reviewed the schedule of short-term contacts at various levels. “Aleksandr Rogozhnik spoke in detail about the economic aspects of interaction, including Belarus’ efforts to expand operations in Russian regions. He informed his interlocutor about meetings that are to take place during the international industrial exhibition INNOPROM in Yekaterinburg. They agreed on the importance of joining forces to promote industrial cooperation and import substitution in order to address the common task of achieving technological sovereignty,” the press service of the diplomatic mission informed.

Aleksandr Rogozhnik and Mikhail Galuzin paid special attention to preserving historical memory and countering attempts to rewrite history. In this context, they praised the way Belarus marked the 80th anniversary of its liberation from the Nazi invaders. The ambassador thanked the Russian side for sending a high-profile delegation to Minsk and for the participation of the Russian military in the Independence Day parade. The parties agreed to consider the participation of the Belarusian military in the parade to mark the 80th anniversary of the Victory in Moscow next year.

“We agreed to maintain trust-based, constructive and real-time communication for effective diplomatic support of the entire spectrum of Belarus-Russia cooperation agenda. Aleksandr Rogozhnik noted that he intends to continue Dmitry Krutoi’s effective work to strengthen bilateral relations at the federal, regional and inter-ministerial levels,” the press service remarked.

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