Shchetkina noted the importance of joint activities of the youth of Belarus and Russia

21:03, 5 October


The Belarusian State Philharmonic Hall hosted a concert of the Youth Belarusian-Russian Symphony Orchestra. Head of the Representative Office of the Permanent Committee of the Union State in Minsk Marianna Shchetkina emphasized the importance of joint activities of the youth of Belarus and Russia, reports a correspondent of

The Union project got a second wind in 2023 with the support of the Standing Committee of the Union State. The tours of the young talented musicians are a constant success: the day before the orchestra was applauded by the Moscow audience, and today - the ovations of the Minsk audience. The program includes Rachmaninov, Prokofiev, Khachaturian, Soltan...

“The tour of the Youth Belarusian-Russian Symphony Orchestra is an event, especially since the concerts take place only one day at a time: yesterday was at the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow, and today we meet our talents in Minsk,” commented Marianna Shchetkina, Head of the Representative Office of the Permanent Committee of the Union State in Minsk.

There are 90 musicians in the orchestra under the direction of the People's Artist of the USSR, renowned maestro Yuri Bashmet: 30 talents from Belarus and 60 from Russia. The orchestra members have passed large-scale competitive selections and now set big goals for themselves.

“It is not only the development of creativity and one's talents to discover the way forward, it is the unification of cultures, the formation of a common cultural spiritual space of Belarus and Russia, our Union State. This is joint cooperation,” said Marianna Shchetkina. She reminded that a lot of attention is paid to youth policy in the Union State.

“Today a very important direction is the joint activity of the youth of Belarus and Russia, so it is very important that all conditions for the development of young talents are created. Culture unites. Music has no nationality, has no borders,” she emphasized. - emphasized the Head of the Representative Office of the Permanent Committee of the Union State in Minsk.

Marianna Shchetkina expressed confidence that the Union youth cultural project will continue. “Because there are such significant things that set the tone and raise the bar,” she concluded.

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