Union State

All time

Economy expected to help realize true potential of Belarus-Russia relations

16:01, 4 June

Belvodkhoz eyes Smolensk market

15:07, 4 June

Union State High Level Group to hold video conference on 5 June

10:51, 3 June

Team of Belarusian and Siberian Scientists Becomes Laureate of the Koptyug Prize

15:51, 1 June

G. Rapota: Consultations between Russia and Belarus at deputy prime-minister level are to be held in early June

14:39, 1 June

Marianna Shchetkina: The meeting of the High Level Group of the Union State Council of Ministers is scheduled for June, the agenda includes over 10 items

15:43, 21 May

Supreme Audit Institutions of the Union State Review Budget Execution Progress for January-December 2019

11:00, 21 May

Chairperson of Belarusian Pioneer Organization: We are proud of projects with the Russian Schoolchildren’s Movement

09:38, 21 May

Belarusian, Russian top diplomats discuss integration issues

11:21, 15 May

G. Rapota: We are preparing to release books on Rzhev events during the Great Patriotic War

12:26, 6 May