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Topics of the day

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Lukashenko holds session to discuss provision, use of foreign gratuitous aid

12:17, 30 April

Vladimir Putin held a meeting via videoconference on developing the fuel and energy sector

16:54, 29 April

Vladimir Putin held a meeting, via videoconference, with permanent members of the Security Council

18:38, 24 April

Lukashenko against discouraging people from going to church

15:15, 20 April

Lukashenko paid a working trip to Lida District

18:11, 17 апреля

Coronavirus patients in hospitals should stay positive, Lukashenko said

17:09, 13 April

Lukashenko met to discuss measures to stimulate electricity consumption in households

15:08, 10 April

Putin held a meeting, via videoconference, with permanent members of the Security Council

18:44, 9 April