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MAZ signs memorandum of understanding, cooperation with Cuban companies

21:27, 17 February

Photo courtesy of MAZ

Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ trademark) and Cuban companies Grupo Empresarial de la Industria Sidero Mecánica (GESIME) and la Empresa Comercializadora DIVEP signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation at the Cuban Embassy in Belarus, BelTA learned from the MAZ press service.

The document outlines the basic provisions and conditions to establish a long-term strategic partnership and ensures regular supplies of MAZ machinery to Cuba.

Attending the event was Ambassador of Cuba to Belarus Santiago Perez Benitez. On the part of MAZ the memorandum was signed by Aleksandr Atroshchik, Deputy Commercial Director - Director for the sale of vehicles to distant foreign countries.

MAZ is one of Belarus' largest mechanical engineering companies. It specializes in making heavy-duty trucks, special-purpose vehicles, buses, trolleybuses, and trailing units. The company makes a total of over 500 models and 3,000 modifications of tractor units, dropside trucks, chassis for mounting various kinds of equipment, about 15 models of buses, trolleybuses and electric buses.

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