About a thousand budgetary places will be allocated in Belarusian universities for incoming Russians - Pishchov
19:05, 12 February

About a thousand budgetary places will be provided in Belarusian universities for applicants from Russia. This was announced by Sergei Pishchov, head of the main department of vocational education of the Ministry of Education, during a press conference, reports Soyuz.by.
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Last year, about 1,000 budget places were allocated for Russian citizens. "We have analysed the results of the previous admission campaign and believe that the number of budget places for Russians will remain at the same level. "These will be the same in-demand specialities for the economy of both Belarus and Russia" - said Sergei Pishchov.
Russian applicants can apply both by the results of centralised testing (CT) and the results of the Unified State Examination (USE), which they took in Russia. This option was introduced last year, and the USE results must account for at least 70 per cent of the maximum score.
The representative of the Ministry of Education noted that the draft control figures of admission are now under consideration in the department together with educational institutions and their founders. "Preliminary analysis shows that the figures will remain at the level of last year. Formation of the list of specialities for admission every year is based on the requests of enterprises and needs in personnel. We will have new specialities - there will be nine of them at the higher education level. There will also be new specialities for colleges," - said Sergei Pishchov.
He added that serious changes in the terms of admission are not expected. "They are now being coordinated with stakeholders and will be known in the near future. However, based on the admission campaign last year, we assume that the terms will remain the same. The main admission of applicants will take place in July. The admission of target students will be taken out of the main admission. First, we will hold an admission campaign for those who have signed contracts on targeted training. The unfilled places will be transferred to the general competition," - said the head of the main department.
Sergey Pishchov emphasised that young people should consciously choose the direction of their future profession.