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The Minsk International Book Fair was inaugurated on 12 March.

14:51, 12 March

The XXXII Minsk International Book Fair opened in the administrative complex at 14 Pobediteley Avenue in Minsk. This year about 20 countries are taking part in the fair, including the EAEU members, the United Arab Emirates, Cuba, China and others. Information Minister Marat Markov said before the opening of the XXXII Minsk International Book Fair that clip thinking makes people primitive, while the book expands the worldview, reports Soyuz.by.

‘Clip thinking today, unfortunately, makes a person primitive. But a book expands the worldview. It allows a person to find wisdom and the most important thing (probably, this is the task of the exhibition) is to instil this wisdom, i.e. to help young people, first of all, to return to the book,’ said Marat Markov.

The minister drew attention to the exposition for children, who, in his opinion, should be involved in the world of books. ‘To pull them out of the Internet into the real world, so that they just read,’ he noted.

Referring to the words of President Alexander Lukashenko, the minister noted that it is not important whether the classics - Turgenev, Gogol, Kolas, Kupala - will be read on electronic or paper media. It is important that such literature is read.

‘We understand perfectly well today that with the help of the Internet they are trying to make us primitive. With the help of a book we will be wiser. And then our worldview will be much harder to manipulate. This is the key idea - why we need to be engaged in books’, - Marat Markov is sure. Markov named his favourite childhood book.

Speaking about the exhibition, the minister noted that it was quite easy to gather exhibitors. The interest in the exhibition is really great: 20 countries were represented. For the first time - the United Arab Emirates. ‘So I am, frankly speaking, very grateful simply because they realise how important it is today to bring the art of the book to the reader,’ he said.

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