PHOTOfact: the first day of early voting in Belarus
11:10, 22 January
Early voting started on 21 January and will continue until 25 January 2025. During the early voting the polling station commissions will work from 12.00 to 19.00 without a break. According to the CEC, the turnout of citizens at polling stations on the first day of early voting in the presidential election amounted to 7.81%.
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The turnout of citizens at the polling stations by regions is as follows:
In Brest region 8.95 per cent of voters;
In Vitebsk region - 7.45%;
In Gomel region - 7.01 per cent;
In Grodno region - 6.08 per cent;
In Minsk region - 8.52 per cent;
In Mogilev region - 7.25%;
In Minsk - 8.54%.